
Family Visas

Family Visas are not eligible for work as a popular decision and sponsor for close family residency in Canada. Unfortunately it seems the Canadian government's care for parents and grandparents who have applied for them in a year - despite transport reversal statements in transportation minister. This led to deep expression and a written application that could be a court action against the government  after the new rules were introduced a few years ago Supporting the leading group of protests is called your parents, and Canadian (and citizens) is a non-political, non-profit group whose parents face it. Check the site and add your name to the best application application!Get the best Canadaina Immigration Consultant Here Return to information now ! The sponsor person (applicant) will be a close relatives or family member. Parents should be 18 years old and promise to support this relative for 3 to 10 years. There are some goals that you and your subsidiary partner qu

Law and order Situation in Canada

Royal Mounted Police (RCMP), serving the national community service and protecting the public, and strengthening the rules set out in the Parliament of Canada. Although this group comes from the prosecutors who carry the horses on horseback across the Canadian capital, now they are presently present in the police force. Choose to use their police in Ontario and Quebec province. Besides the RCMP, there are local police officers. Many cities now work in Mexican police and Polish cities and rural areas. Initially new to Canada, everyone should know that the Emergency Service will dial some 911. The operator will request the desired service, your location status. Most people who work in the Ambulance Fire / Function (known as EMS - emergency medical assistance) will check. Sponsoring Parents to Canada – January 2018 Update May have the opportunity to express their interest to help customers On December 22, 2017 - Ottawa; ON - Canadian citizens and residents always take the first s

Education In Canada

Public education is a duty for each provincial government (refer to our provincial page for more information) and tax payment. Public education is free and all children will have to go to school till 6 to 15 years of age, until most students continue to graduate until the Higher Secondary and Higher Secondary Post Graduate Higher Secondary Graduation. Although many are not compulsory school starts with the children of 5 years old. It is usually 5 days in the morning and at night for a week. When they are 6 years old, they can go to elementary school (grade 1 - grade 6). Some provinces have a high school or a high school (grade 7-grade 9) and ultimately in high school (grade 10-grade 12). The main language of learning is English and French There is also a choice of independent schools and home learning found in other provinces. If you register your child on a local school or school board, you must take them to their school, former school, birth certificate, vaccination certificate

Canadian Immigration service

In Canada 30,007.094 (census in 2001), is a 4% increase compared to 28,846,761 (census of 1996). Most people live in the city and most of them are in the south of the country; About one-third of the population is located 300 kilometers from the US border. The most distant provinces of Ontario and Quebec and Toronto are the most populous cities. Due to the size of the world, the best way to travel in the air, however, it can take 5 hours to travel around the world! Westgate Airlines Air Canada has started flying for competition at some low cost competition, and their good success led to the leadership of Air Canada. Now you provide both North America airplanes and airports - click the bridge to see what has been done in one of North America's most successful airports. There are two official languages ​​- English and French - and Quebec,Montreal is France's largest French-speaking city. All the services provided by the state government are both English and French. Almost

General information for Canada Immigration

Canada Canada can extend to the highest level of permanent residence, so it is not surprising that it attracts many immigrants. We will try to provide more information about one of the largest and most international airports as possible as possible. General information Canada is located in North America and is located throughout the Atlantic and Pacific region, of which there are 13 and 13 provinces. North of the Artic Sea; In the northeast, Davis Strait divided the Graland, the Atlantic Ocean Mapumlanga; South America and the West are limited by the Pacific Ocean and Alaska. Canada is a beautiful, beautiful country with colorful colors; Hills, rivers, lakes and rivers. 9 984 670 square kilometers (3,855,103 sq km), Canada is the second largest world in the world. Canada has many lakes and water in any other country, especially 7.6% or 755,180 sq km (2,91,577 sq km) are made from clean water. The currency is the single Canadian dollar. It is 100 centimeters for $ 1 dollar.